Seguint el nostre viatje per les tradicions de les diferents cultures al món, després dels Reis Mags, trobem el dia de Sant Valentí, que de ben segur que tots coneixeu i n'heu sentit a parlar!
El que potser no sabeu ben bé és com es va originar aquest fet, és a dir, la vertadera història del dia de Sant Valentí.
Si llegiu el següent text, ben segur que qedareu sorpresos!
Això si, s'ha de tenir en compte que no està ni en català ni en castellà, ja que està en anglès; per tant, cal prestar atenció al vocabulari.
Un cop acabat de llegir, si voleu torneu-lo a llegir. Aleshores,contesteu les preguntes que trobareu formulades en anglès.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day started over two thousand years ago, as a winter festival, on 15th February. On that day, pagans asked their gods to give them good frut and vegetables, and strong animals.
When the Christians came to Britain, they came with a story about a man called Saint Valentine . The story is that Valentine was a Christian who lived in the third century (between the years 200 and 300). The Roman Emperor at the time, Claudius II, was not a Christian. Claudius decided that his soldiers must not marry, because married soldiers do not make good soldiers. Valentine worked for the church, and one day he helped a soldier to get married. The Emperor said that Valentine had to die because he did wrong. In prison Valentine started to love the daughter of a man who worked in the prison. The day he died, he sent a note to this woman, and at the end of the note, he said: "Your Valentine". He died on 14th February, so the date of the festival changed from 15 to 14 February, and the name changed to Saint Valentine's Day.
In the early nineteenth century, when the post office started in Britain, people started to send Valentine's cards to the person they loved on 14thFebruary. The cards had pictures of flowers and birds on, and words inside like:
Roses are red, my love,
Violets are ble,
Sugar is sweet, my love,
But not as sweet as you".

People still send each other Valentine's cards, but often they do not write their names inside: they just write "Be my Valentine" or "From your Valentine". It is a kind of game.
Some children give their friends or teachers cards or chocolates. A man will perhaps give his girlfriend or wife red roses. A lot of people go out to restaurants for the evening and have dinner for two, with candles and soft music.
Ara contesteu les següents preguntes, per tal de saber si heu entès bé el contingut del text:
1. When did Valentine's Day start? Was it always the same day?
2. Why did the day change?
3. Who was Saint Valentine?
4. Why didn't Emperor Claudius II want soldiers to get married?
5. Why was he send to prison?
6. What happened to him when he was in prison?
7. What is the origin of Saint Valentine's love messages?
8. What happened in the nineteenth century?
9. What messages can you find in a Valentine's card?
10. How do some people celebrate this day?
Un cop contestades les preguntes, raoneu la vostra opinió sobre la celebració de Sant Valentí. Esteu d'acord? Aquest fet és una oportunitat d'expressar el sentiment més profund de cadascú cap a algú o és simplement una campanya publicitària per al consumisme?

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